' 'Man, the l  as t preformance went gr eat! But one thing went w rong with  the animatronics during the preformance. Wh ile the  lights went off, and the bird an ima tronic wa s on th e spotlight, I heard a m eo wi  ng sou n  d.. I won  de r why t  he animat  ronic malf un ctioned.
 Maybe   it  was   because that  s   ome of    he w  ires  on the voicebox  was  uns  cr ewed. Pretty  su r eee I saw somet hing un even wit h the w iring  bac k th  e  re.

Oh! I saw somet hi ng lik e that t oo  wh en on e of the tech nici ans were over viewi ng Cas ter, post-pr efo rm ance.

What about the weird stench that emitted from the voic ebox, It was very foul!

I never smelt that when i viewed the animatr onic, maybe i forgot.